Starter Package
Server type - SHOUTcast.2 / IceCast
Radio stations limit - 1x
Radio station disk quota - 2GB
Podcast disk quota - 2GB
Livestream Recording disk quota - 2GB
Listeners limit - UNLIMITED
Maximum bitrate - up to 320kbs
Traffic per month - Unlimited
Station activation Immediately
Server type - SHOUTcast.V2 Server
Radio stations limit - 1x
Radio station disk quota - 2GB
Listeners limit - UNLIMITED
Maximum bitrate - up to 320kbs
Traffic per month - Unlimited
Station activation in few seconds
Server type - Icecast.V2 KH Server
Radio stations limit - 1x
Radio station disk quota - 2GB
Listeners limit - UNLIMITED
Maximum bitrate - up to 320kbs
Traffic per month - Unlimited
Station activation in few seconds
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